Wholesome toddler TV

Wholesome toddler TV

In our household we are still very much focused on staying home. Limiting our exposure to others and protecting our 2 year old from Covid-19. Well, we are how many months in now?? Inevitably we are making our way through different TV shows to pass the time. (We really don’t watch that much television, but you know mommy needs a break/a chance to cook, ect.) I have compiled this list of shows that I would consider wholesome and appropriate for young children. They are also all Sullivan approved!

Amazon Prime: Cat in the Hat- educational (problem solving) and some catchy tunes (fun fact: Martin Short voices the Cat). Only season 3 is free with Prime so we’ve watched it on repeat. Tumbleleaf- claymation, silly but educational (problem solving), good theme song. Sully can name all the characters.

Disney+: Little Einsteins- musical and educational. They really hold Sullivan’s attention. Mickey Mouse Club House- problem solving and who doesn’t love Mickey? Bluey: If you don’t know Bluey already you are missing out. Adorable and so wholesome! The whole family loves it. I personally want all the toys from Target. Dr. McStuffins: Admittedly not Sullivan’s favorite but I think it’s really cute. Various shorts: especially Piper, Kitbull, Lava, and Lou- all are so cute but he just wants to watch them over and over again.

HBO Max: Apple and Onion- Super cute with catchy songs. Sullivan asks for this one on repeat and the husband and I really enjoy it too! I wish there were more episodes.

Youtube: Lucas the spider- less than 20 minutes total but Sullivan asks for it on repeat. Good for teaching him to respect spiders and not fear them.

We don’t have cable or Netflix currently so I can’t speak to those. I hope this gives others some fresh ideas and I would love for you to add to my list. What are your child’s favorite shows right now?