Story time at the Library

Story time at the Library

Someone told me about story time at our local Knightdale library and Sullivan and I have been going once a week for the past few weeks. We really look forward to it, it’s a fun free activity. It is 25 minutes of singing, dancing, reading, and a bubble machine at the end. We attend the toddler version, there is also a baby version, preschool version, and family version- something for everyone!

Sullivan runs all around. He goes up to everyone with zero hesitation. I have to chase after him and make sure he is behaving. They encourage parents and care givers to join in the singing and dancing but he is so interested in the other people that he forgets all about Mom. I’m just glad he has a good time.

Phones are discouraged during story time but I was sneaky and snapped this one. Too cute! Front and center, not a shy bone in his body.

The library doesn’t jump out in my mind as a resource for free family activities, but it should. Once I looked into it further I was surprised at the activities that are offered.

Our library is the East Regional Library in Knightdale (3 mins from our house). There is a map of all the Wake County Public Libraries (20+), so chances are there is one near you. I highly recommend checking it out.

Does your local library offer similar activities for children? Give your favorite library a shout out in the comments.