Starlit Studio glitter from Target

Starlit Studio glitter from Target

Have you seen this new(?) brand at Target? Starlit Studio. They pretty much sell glitter in different forms: pressed, gel pouch, potted, roller. Needless to say I was intrigued.

The item that I was most interested in is a face and body glitter gel in a small pot. This was a risky purchase because I was hoping it would be similar to Colourpop’s Glitterly Obsessed item (see my review here), but I was also afraid it would be a sticky gel that doesn’t dry down. Well, I was pleasantly surprised. At $6 it is similar to Colourpop.

Let me be clear about something right away: I was not looking for an alternative to Colourpop’s item. I still highly recommend it, I think it is affordable, and they do have more color options. This Target purchase was more of a curiosity impulse buy that happened to turn out well and I thought it was worth sharing.

The color is beautiful. This one has a green/gold shift with a hint of teal.

It does dry down enough, eventually. It certainly takes longer to dry than the Colourpop product. Words of advice, don’t put it on too thick. Let it dry in layers if desired. I found it to be tacky for a while which increased the potential to crease on my eyelids and even stick them to themselves. Setting spray helped with this issue.

Overall, I am happy with this purchase. I even bought a second and third color during later trips to Target. The top one below is a pretty pale purple color. The bottom one is white with pink/purple glitter.

Below is the white one swatched on my hand. I normally might not have bought this color because while it is pretty it’s not really bold or exciting to me. Kind of a take-it-or-leave-it color, but you can clearly see in the last photo why it ultimately came home with me.

50% off gets me every time! Can’t say no to $3, at least I can’t. So if you were on the fence about trying it, now’s the time to check out your local Target for this sweet deal. I hope this doesn’t mean they are getting rid of them altogether. Making room for new colors?? Hopefully. Let me know what you think and which Targets have them on clearance.

Have you tried any of their other products? I was eyeing the glitter gel pouch for hair. You know I’ll be checking for more sales!

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