Spring door art 2020

Spring door art 2020

Hoppy Spring! I finally got around to doing a new painting on the front door. It’s Spring/Easter inspired. A cute little bunny butt and some carrots. It was quick and easy and only used a few colors.

My little helper

See the final result below. I certainly could have added more to it (dirt below, words above, ect), but I couldn’t afford for it to be a whole afternoon project. Sully was captivated by it for only so long, then he started opening the door on me. A little hard to work like that. So sweet and simple it is! And I love it!

See my original post here. I hope you are inspired! What have you painted lately?

Side note: I have discovered that the paint may stain the concrete porch we have. There are a few spots left after I tried scrubbing. The mat covers them for the most part and I don’t really care that much. It’s not going to stop me from being creative! I will, however, be putting something down (towel maybe) when I go to wash it off this time. I don’t drip while actually painting but I like a bucket of soapy water to clean it off and I think that’s when it’s happening. You’ve been warned!