Planning Sullivan’s 1st Birthday party

Planning Sullivan’s 1st Birthday party

I can’t believe a year has nearly passed already! It doesn’t seem possible. I would swear to you he was just born yesterday, and yet looking at him he certainly isn’t a newborn anymore. He looks less and less like a baby everyday and more and more like a little boy.

We will be having the typical first birthday party complete with cake smash. This is the cake theme I am going for. I think it is cute and funny and hopefully the pictures will turn out cute. 

For catering options I have looked into platters from Lowe’s Food, Harris Teeter, and Publix. Publix seems to be the way to go. They simply have more options available, different sandwich varieties as well as wraps.

Update: So apparently I chose a difficult cake to make! Several different people have volunteered to give it a go with minimal success. I’m trying not to be too picky, but I do want it to look good for the pictures. Also, I am being very cheap about it. It is for one person and is literally going to be smashed to pieces so I am reluctant to spend a lot of money on it and have it professionally done. So, after several failed attempts by multiple well-intentioned, big-hearted people, I decided to give it a try myself. I made a box cake into a small dome shape using this baking set:

The exact cake pan I used (the smallest dome insert it came with). Find it on Amazon-link below.

Then I made this marshmallow buttercream frosting with this recipe off of Pinterest.

I also made fondant for the first time. It was surprisingly easy to make and turned out great! I tinted it pink, rolled it out, and Jared helped my put it on to look like a brain. Overall, I was happy with my attempt.

Not bad. The other half looked bad so I tried not to photograph it. It is cut in half so you see the two hemispheres.

After letting the buttercream sit in the fridge overnight I realized that it hardens pretty well and out of curiosity I tried piping it onto the cake to achieve the brain look I am going for. This also turned out great! So, ultimately I am going to go with the buttercream frosting method, tinted red and pink. Pictures to come.

Update posted here!